The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to describe an understanding among the diverse undersigned organizations representing municipal governments, landowners, recreational organizations, sportsman‘s organizations, conservation groups, chambers of commerce, citizens and businesses to be known as "Access Adirondacks" documenting their commitment to the goal of increasing access and recreational opportunities on state lands. This MOU is not a binding commitment, but is a statement of the intent of undersigned parties to work together in good faith to increase access and recreational opportunities on Adirondack state lands, that recognizes the following:


AGREED that the undersigned public and private entities representing concerned citizens throughout the region and beyond, support reasonable access and recreational opportunities on existing and newly acquired state lands and state conservation easement lands; and it is further

AGREED that the said entities support an approach to state land classification and unit management planning that respects the culture and traditional uses of the Adirondacks, protects the natural resources, and respects the need of Adirondack residents and businesses for a healthy and sustainable economy; and it is further

AGREED that the said entities intend to work constructively with state agencies and with each other to achieve balance in Adirondack decision-making affecting access to and use of Adirondack state lands by residents and visitors; and it is further

AGREED that the said entities intend to cooperate with each other, to analyze the natural resources and relevant road and trail infrastructure, of newly acquired and existing state lands and to support reasonable recreational access to those lands for all, including the elderly, disabled physically challenged and veterans; and it is further

AGREED that the said entities intend to work with appropriate authorities to provide information regarding traditional and historic uses of state lands and ways that traditional uses may be continued; and it is further

AGREED that the said entities intend to prepare additional Memorandums of Understanding as the need arises to support amendments of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan and unit management plans to achieve balanced state land policy and reasonable access while protecting natural resources; and it is further

AGREED that the undersigned call upon the State of New York to partner with them to improve access to state lands and to improve the economies of the municipalities which depend upon access to state lands for their economic well being; and it is further

AGREED that this Memorandum of Understanding may be signed in counterparts.

Click here for a PDF version of our MOU.

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